Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Looking for Scholarships: Part 1

Earlier I mentioned that local churches and denominations sometimes have scholarships for seminary students, but as you probably know, these can be hard to get, especially in tough economic times.  It is always worth asking, but having some back-up options is a good idea as well.  One back-up option that might serve you well is Fastweb.

Fastweb is a free scholarship search engine.  My high school promoted it as a good way to find ways to pay for college, but they also have some scholarships for grad students.  Students seeking to become missionaries or pastors with prominent denominations will likely find the most options here, but there are still general scholarships which might be worth taking time to examine.  There are also scholarship options specifically for minorities and those who come from families without a history of higher education.

To use Fastweb, all you need to do is sign up for an account and fill out a questionnaire to help them match you with the right scholarships.  Fastweb will then produce regularly updated lists of all the scholarships for which you are eligible to apply, and will let you track and manage the ones you are interested in as well as the results of your attempts to win scholarships through their site.  They will also send you emails letting you know of upcoming application deadlines, new scholarships, and other offers. 

I have not found any money for seminary in this fashion, but I know of some people who have.  It may or may not be worth your time and energy, but it is a well-designed site and is easy to sign up and keep track of scholarship opportunities with it as more options become available.  Keeping your options open and searching for scholarships in a variety of places is more helpful than wishing for money to appear, so you might want to give it a try just to see what is or is not available.

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